Friday, December 31, 2010

Pushing The Envelope With Fascist Checkpoints

Arizona adopting "no refusal weekend" at sobriety checkpoints

"TUCSON - The week between Christmas and New Year's is a traditional time for celebration and parties.
Unfortunately, it's also a traditional time for drunk driving. Now, the federal government is urging states to use a new tactic - a "no refusal weekend."
If a driver refuses a breathalyzer test while driving through a sobriety checkpoint, a judge will be standing by, ready to sign a search warrant for an immediate blood sample. A nurse can then take a sample on the spot

And we all know the cops never single out certain drivers for that 'special' treatment.
A question I would ask is this - what happens if a driver doesn't want to have a needle stuck in his/her arm? Do you get tazed and wrestled to the ground by uniformed thugs? This sort of shit simply must be stopped now or we will wind up with that knock at midnight and nice new accomodations at at a Napolitano camp.

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