Monday, January 10, 2011

Hammer Gets The Slammer

DeLay Sentenced to 3 Years in Conspiracy and Money-Laundering Case

"On November 24, former House of Representatives Republican Leader Tom DeLay was found guilty of money laundering and conspiracy charges by a jury of people whom he referred to as “those living near my home.” DeLay’s attorney said that the congressman refused to acknowledge the jury as “his peers,” as most of his peers had already distanced themselves from government or were serving time themselves. Today, the presiding judge sentenced DeLay to three years in prison.Because of the lengthy appeals process involved, legal experts predict that several years could pass before DeLay, known as “The Hammer,” actually serves any time in prison. The former Republican heavyweight, also considered a flight risk, was fitted with a home detention monitoring device, attached to his ankle."

now for the Bush mob

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