Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unabashed Zionist Puppet Thinks You'll Just Love Him

Huckabee Arriving in Israel Sunday, Tops Two Primary Polls

"Unofficial Republican party presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a solid supporter of Israel, is en route for his 15th visit. He has said he probably will wait until summer before announcing whether or not he will run for president in 2012.

"Headed to Israel with family and friends. Looking forward to my 15th trip there," Huckabee's tweet read on Saturday, as results show him topping the polls in West Virginia and North Carolina.

Huckabee often has said that if the Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza want a state, they can choose from among several Arab nations and that Jews, who are indigenous to the area, should be able to build wherever they wish to in their country."

"Jews, who are indigenous to the area"

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