Sunday, February 6, 2011

Small, Apartheid Terror State Dictating US Actions With Egypt

U.S. Trying to Balance Israel’s Needs in the Face of Egyptian Reform

"Israeli government officials started out urging the Obama administration to back Mr. Mubarak, administration officials said, and were initially angry at Mr. Obama for publicly calling on the Egyptian leader to agree to a transition.

“The Israelis are saying, après Mubarak, le deluge,” said Daniel Levy, a former Israeli peace negotiator. And that, in turn, Mr. Levy said, “gets to the core of what is the American interest in this. It’s Israel. It’s not worry about whether the Egyptians are going to close down the Suez Canal, or even the narrower terror issue. It really can be distilled down to one thing, and that’s Israel.”

A White House spokesman, Tommy Vietor, said on Friday that administration officials were reassuring the Israelis that “we fully understand Israel’s security concerns, and we’re making clear that our commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable.”

Isn't it ironic that thepeople who for decades touted themselves as"the only democracy in the middle east", is so afraid of some democracy for Egyptians that they're now instructing americans how best to thwart it?


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