Sunday, March 6, 2011

Banks: Writing "Free Palestine" On Money Automatically Makes It Worthless

Banks: 'Free Palestine' cash valueless

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Palestinian Banking Society warned Sunday, against a new protest-tactic that would see Palestinians pen the phrase "Free Palestine" on Israeli bank notes, in a plan designed as a non-violent resistance tactic.

Palestinian groups had announced the scheme on Facebook, eager to see the message of freedom circulate between the West Bank, Gaza and Israel, which all use the same currency.

The plan, warned the society, could prompt Israeli banks to refuse the bills, making what a statement said would be a "costly protest."

On account of the problem, the statement said, Palestinian banks would not accept note with the slogan written on them."

"Israeli banks will not accept them and the bills will have no value," he said, citing the policy of Israeli banks."

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