Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good summation by Icke but I'd toss a few more things in the mix.
The manipulators always do things for multiple reasons, like an onion with many layers. It's not too hard to see now that the brave Egyptians in the streets were used as dupes. Just a fig leaf for a reshuffling keeping the same power brokers in place but allowing some public anger steam to blow off.
But what else are the reptile overlords trying to accomplish with fomenting chaos? One thing is a pre emptive strike on the spreading threat of Islamic banking to established money and power. In Islamic banking by Sharia law you can't make money out of thin air and you can't charge usery making them extremely attractive to people.
Apparently just like Manuel Noriega who opposed an invasion of Nicaragua in the 80s, Mubarak opposed war on Iran, and tiny Bahrain wasn't quick enough to get on board that train. Bahrain is of utmost importance to empire - the US fifth fleet is based there and the government simply must be a compliant lapdog.
Another layer of the chaos the manipulators are achieving is an economic war on Europe. The US is completely bankrupt and without options except to sabotage rivals. About ten years ago when Gaddafi chose to open up to european nations, they poured in to invest in oil, construction and markets. The major countries to the north get a hefty chunk of their oil and gas from Libya. Needless to say any prolonged conflict in North Africa is going to hurt them, not only with energy needs but socially as well with an influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Nervousness in the oil markets is yet another plus for the elites. Prices are going to go sky high and they're about to make a shitload, especially when they get their planned wars on.
Bet the farm on this - when oil gets to $150 a bbl or so we're going to hear a hue and cry from the big boys to drill everywhere, offshore and the Arctic Refuge, everywhere, because national security is at stake, donchaknow.

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