Friday, March 4, 2011

Hello Chaos

Things are not what they seem.

50,000 Israeli mercs to be sent to help Gaddafi fight rebels - Al Qaeda Fighters Included in Israeli Force

"In a move that surprises all but Middle East experts, Israel has promised Libya’s dictator of over 40 years, Colonel Gaddafi, 50,000 troops to aid in crushing rebels set on overthrowing his his murderous rule. According to news sources inside Israel, “troops” are being hired across Africa, Uganda, Sudan, Chad and the Central Africa Republic, including Al Qaeda fighters, to be deployed against demonstrators and rebel forces currently involved in heavy fighting in a two week old attempt to overthrow the Libyan ruler that has left thousands dead.

In the last 72 hours, rebel leaders have been in contact with Britain and the United States, nations that have promised aid and have positioned forces in the Mediterranean for a decisive strike against Gaddafi. Additional US Marines have been sent to reinforce assault teams on the USS Kearsarge, a helicopter assault ship now stationed off Tripoli awaiting orders to begin operations."


Despite his outward image as an Arab nationalist leader, Gaddafi has maintained close ties with Israel since his takeover of Libya in a military coup in 1969. That friendship, “strange bedfellows,” has finally come to light, one of the many “closeted partnerships” between Israel and Middle Eastern dictators that were exposed by Wikileaks.

Gaddafi, a Marxist, was himself the subject of a coup planned by British SAS founder David Sterling early on. Sterling was shocked when ordered to stand down, being told that Gaddafi was, though a communist, under the protection of both the United States and Israel.

Though, for decades, the western press has depicted Gadaffi as a staunch enemy of Israel and Zionism, the two nations have shared covert projects that can be traced as far back as the early 1970s. A consortium of “rogue” states, Iran under the Shah, apartheid South Africa, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Gaddafi’s Libya and Israel sold arms, developed weapons technologies and operated a network of spies, particularly inside the United States, keeping the Soviet Union abreast of NATO military and intelligence secrets and defense plans.

Of the original “Axis of Evil,” only Libya and Israel remain."

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