Saturday, April 23, 2011

Badged Thugs Will Soon Be Shot On Sight

I remember just after the Rodney King verdict, someone had a video camera taping on a Los Angeles street.
Letting those club wielding badged criminals off the hook thoroughly enraged the people of the city.
The video I saw, which unfortunately I can't find again, had a police cruiser racing down a street to avoid residents throwing stones at it, busting it's windows, desperate to get to some sort of safety, away from angry residents.
Uniformed, psychopathic creeps who love the control a sick elite has over a drugged and complacent society feel quite confident in dehumanizing and roughing up citizens. Once their control mechanism is broken, and I believe it will be sooner than later, these completely insane, pathological human scum will shed their uniforms in a New York Second to avoid retribution.

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