Monday, May 9, 2011

Get Set For Operation "Install A Puppet Regime" 2.0

So Much For Libyan Rebel Oil Exports: Gaddafi Forces Destroy Last Fuel Tanks Under Rebel Control; NATO Land Offensive Now Unavoidable

"And so the badly thought out experiment to supply Libyan rebels with a central bank, to be used to fund an “alternative” fuel industry comes to a prompt and fiery end. Reuters reports that “Libyan government forces destroyed four fuel storage tanks and set several others ablaze in rebel-held Misrata, dealing a blow to the port city’s ability to withstand a government siege, rebels said on Saturday.” Not surprisingly this fits in perfectly with the assumption first postulated by Zero Hedge that Gaddafi will destroy his entire oil infrastructure before letting it fall into “enemy” hands. This likely marks the end of the Libyan rebellion and will force NATO to launch a land offensive or suffer a crushing blow to its already shaky reputation as globocop, especially now that the US is in theory at least, out of the air campaign against Gaddafi. Which means that the boots on the ground are soon coming."

And so the globalist scheme to kick the Chinese out of Africa, destroy the spread of Islamic banking with their no interest policies, replace Gadaffi with a more pliant tool and of course to steal the oil and water from the Libyan people comes to a halt, for now. This was always a foreign induced uprising, in a nation with the highest per capita income on the entire continent. Now NATO is going to have to cook up a scheme to wage all out war because Gaddafi and most Libyans won't give in as their country is invaded, and NATO probably won't accept losing face. Watch the people descend into enormous suffering because of it.

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