Saturday, May 7, 2011

Video Of Flooded Farmland

Some of the most productive soil in the country could lay fallow this year.

The Worst Mississippi River Flood Ever?

"This is not a disaster that happens over one or two days and then is over. This disaster is going to literally take weeks to unfold. Residents of 8 states are bracing for the worst.

Many are rapidly filling sandbags and are trying to keep the flood waters at bay. Others are packing up and getting ready to evacuate.

The flood is so massive that it actually has caused some of the tributaries along the Mississippi River to actually start flowing backwards.

So how long is this flooding going to last?

At this point, the Mississippi River is expected to crest at 48 feet around May 11th.

But this disaster will last much longer than that.

Authorities are saying that the Mississippi River could stay at flood stage for more than a month.

The economic damage, the property damage and the loss of crops is going to be incalculable.

It is important to understand that this is just not another flood. This is literally a history changing nightmare.

Just check out this quote from Gene Rench of the National Weather Service....

"Right now the Mississippi river is in the process of going through what we call an epic flood, meaning it's more than historic, it's more than a 100 year flood, it's more like a 500 year flood."

A "500 year flood"?

That is some pretty strong language.

Part of the problem is that the Ohio River and the Mississippi River are both flooding at the same time. In a recent article on CNN, local farmer Bob Byrne described the damage and noted that this is the first time he has ever seen both of those mighty rivers flood at the same time....

"We've seen the Ohio River rampage, water right up to the top of the levee. We've seen this one (Mississippi) on the rampage, but never the two together."

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