Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Army Corps Of Engineers Flood Farmland, Then Offer To Buy Devalued Property

Some Say Corps Flooded Land To Drive Down Prices

'"Some river bottom property owners say they received a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers' Kansas City district office asking them if they want to sell their land.KMBC's Micheal Mahoney reported that the letter is angering some of the people who received it because some of them are fighting for their land from a flood they believe the Corps caused.

The letter reads: "The Corps is currently seeking willing sellers." It is part of a 15-year-old corps plan to buy up river property or obtain easements.The Corps wants the property to enhance wildlife areas for species like the pallid sturgeon -- an endangered fish the corps considers when managing the river.

But to some critics of the corps, it proves their suspicions."And this just further proves the Corps is going after property just they can save some endangered species," said Bruce Biermann, who received the letter from the Corps.

"We clearly understand this may appear insensitive to some folks who are fighting the flood. It should not have gone out at this time, but it did," said Jud Kneuvean of the Army Corps of Engineers."

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