Monday, June 13, 2011

Cop Who Murdered Man On Train Platform Does Less Than A Year

Ex-BART officer Johannes Mehserle released after 11 months in prison

"A white former San Francisco Bay area transit officer convicted of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man on an Oakland train station platform was released from jail early Monday after serving 11 months of a two-year sentence, officials said.

Johannes Mehserle was set free from a Los Angeles County jail, where he served his time after his attention-getting trial was moved to Southern California, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

Whitmore told The Associated Press that Mehserle was released from custody at Twin Towers facility as of 12:01 a.m.

A judge ruled Friday that Mehserle should be given credit for time served and good conduct.

Mehserle, 29, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter last year in the shooting death of Oscar Grant on New Year's Day 2009. The incident was recorded by bystanders, and video posted online showed the Bay Area Rapid Transit officer firing a bullet into the back of Grant, 22, as he lay face down after being pulled off a train, suspected of fighting."

This whole business stinks from the moment they leaned on that poor kid for no reason on the train platform. News report and video here.
For starters the thug's excuse that he grabbed his pistol by mistake instead of the stun gun is laughable in the extreme. Most probably the cop was going to use his gun as a compliance enforcer and got a little happy with his trigger finger but we'll never know, and in any case they shouldn't have rousted the first group of young blacks they saw, as how the thug mind usually works. Picture a bomb going off in Iraq and soldiers and mercenaries killing every Iraqi they see in the area.
For the court to accept his lame excuse is one thing but to allow the guy to walk after only a few months in jail is criminal. Try being judge, jury and street executioner on a cop's ass and see how fast you walk. And the only reason the fucker got a day in court was because of the various videos that recorded the murder, which is why it's now open season on any person with a camera near police. They can record anything and everything about you, take your prints, and now even barge into your home without a warrant or even a reason, but don't you dare make a record of thug criminality because they might be inconvenienced that people see cold blooded murder.

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