Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Latest Viral "Insufficient Subservience" Case Quickly Swept Under The Rug

Case dismissed against woman arrested while videotaping police

"The case against a Rochester woman arrested while videotaping police has been dismissed.

Early Monday afternoon, demonstrators rallied outside the Hall of Justice in support of Emily Good, the city woman who was arrested while videotaping police officers during a traffic stop on May 12th in front of her 19th Ward home. (Click here to watch the video)

Good kept recording police officers while standing in her front yard even though an officer ordered her several times go inside. She was charged with obstructing of governmental administration. Since then, the video from that night has made it onto news shows across the country.

Good's attorney, Stephanie Stare, had asked for the charges to be dismissed. In court Monday, the District Attorney's office says based on a review of the evidence, there was no legal basis to go forward. The charge was withdrawn and the judge dismissed the case.

Several of Good's supporters who filled the small courtroom quietly cheered as the case was dismissed. They hugged her outside the courtroom and Good said "I think there are weaknesses in the brotherhood of the police, and they are not above the law."

Good was asked if she would do it over again. "Yes, I would do it again. And I would encourage other people to do the same thing. Carry a camera. Stand your ground. Go to the scene of flashing lights and observe what's going on. Keep a safe distance."

News 10 NBC's Ray Levato asked "Do you think there is racial profiling going on?" Good answered, "Everyday. Everyday. Absolutely."

KaeLyn Rich, a spokeswoman for the Rochester office of the New York Civil Liberties Union afterwards called city police actions "a disgusting disregard for an individual's First Amendment rights to videotape in public spaces. I hope we can repair the relationship between the community and the police by holding police accountable, and making sure police officers are getting the training they need to respect people's constitutional rights."

Supporter Rev. Willie Harvey of the Peace Baptist Church said "the police did the wrong thing."

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