Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pussy Nation

Fearsome lawn ornament shot dead by cops

"When an alligator was spotted near a suburban Kansas City pond, local police decided they were taking no chances: They would shoot the fearsome creature from a distance with a rifle.

But the alligator took the first shot to the head without batting an eyelid, and then the second one bounced off.

At that point, the officers realized the animal was not a bulletproof beast; rather, it was just a concrete lawn ornament, The Associated Press reported Thursday.

Independence police spokesman Tom Gentry said the department became involved after receiving a call from a man who reported seeing a gator.

It was among some weeds near a tree and, according to Gentry, it appeared to be the real thing.

After it was discovered to be a harmless lawn ornament, a landowner explained that he put it there to keep children off his property, Gentry told the AP."

flashback - Michigan Cops Taser Stuffed Animal

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