Saturday, July 2, 2011

IMF Chief Rape Allegation Gets Much Weaker

But the ramifications are enormous.

Hotel Maid Accusing Strauss-Kahn of Rape Reportedly Worked as Prostitute

"The New York City hotel maid who accused former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique-Strauss Kahn of sexual assault has allegedly worked as a prostitute, the New York Post reports.

A source close to the defense investigation told the Post that the Sofitel Hotel housekeeper would have sex with male guests at the hotel for money.

"There is information... of her getting extraordinary tips," the source told the Post."

When the charges are dropped against this guy, which seems to be the case now, some very interesting things might happen. As the Business Insider puts it:

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Will Be The Next President Of France

"Prior to arrest, DSK was the likely socialist candidate to run against Nicolas Sarkozy, and he was seen as having a good shot at beating him.

Now his odds would be even better. Remember, DSK has been viewed rather sympathetically in the French media, post-arrest, with much blame going towards the American media (for how he has been portrayed) and the American criminal justice system (for how he was treated, e.g. the stint in Riker's Island, the humiliating shot of him in a suicide suit).

So he comes back to France a hero, having weather the criminal justice system and the media. He easily wins the Socialist nomination, and with tensions over euro bailouts reaching a boil, he then defeats Sarkozy."

The potential next president of a G7 nation will have had to endure an attempt to railroad him with a set up rape charge, being thrown in prison with real rapists and murderers, having himself unceremoniously frog marched in chains back and forth in front of the cameras, and torn to shreds in corrupt MSM. In the US. In my opinion orchestrated by zionists to protect their lickspittle Sarkozy, as honey traps are their specialty.
Now it doesn't take much imagination to assume his rancor over such treatment, and one can also assume French intelligence knows all about who was behind it. If that's the case, you can write France off as any kind of ally to the US and Israel in future world affairs.

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