"The economic statistics that you are about to read are incredibly shocking, but they are also very, very real. Tonight there are going to be millions of men and women all across America that cannot sleep because they are consumed with anxiety about their financial problems. Even as you read this, there are a lot of parents out there that are trying to figure out how to explain to their children why their homes are being taken away. There are also hordes of very hard working Americans that are incredibly frustrated because they have sent out thousands of resumes and yet they can't seem to get a job interview. Have you ever been at a point where you couldn't pay the mortgage or put food on the table for your family? It can be an absolutely soul-crushing experience. In fact, there are some cities in the U.S. that have been so utterly devastated by this economy that it seems as though virtually everyone has had the hope sucked right out of them. The mainstream media is trying to convince all of us that we are in an economic recovery, but that is a lie. The truth is that we are in the middle of a long-term economic decline and the greatest economy in the history of the world is dying right in front of our eyes.
The average American family is under more economic stress right now than at any other time since the Great Depression. Just check out the following statistics....
#1 Only 45.4% of Americans had a job during 2010. The last time the employment level was that low was back in 1983.
#2 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in U.S. history.
#3 In the United States, one-fourth of all the income is brought in by 1 percent of the people.
#4 Rising prices are putting an incredible amount of stress on American family budgets. According to John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics, if the U.S. government measured inflation the way that it did before 1980 the inflation rate would be much different. For example, Williams says that inflation rose at a 9.6 annual rate during the month of February using the old measurement.
#5 In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte Consulting, 74 percent of Americans said that they planned to slow down their spending in coming months due to rising prices.
#6 The price of U.S. crude oil has risen $20 a barrel over the last two months, and the average price of a gallon of gasoline in America is now about $3.79. At this point, the average price of gasoline is about one dollar higher than it was one year ago. Since the average American household goes through about 750 gallons of gas a year, that means that in 2011 American families will spend somewhere around $750 more for gas. So just what is the average American family supposed to do if a gallon of gasoline soon costs 4 or even 5 dollars a gallon?
#7 The average American now spends approximately 23 percent of his or her income on food and gas."
Today is supposed to be tax day, but here's a prediction - millions more people than ever before are going to say fuck it and not file. Why the hell should struggling families send precious money to rapacious government with their pointless, murderous wars and endless waste? How can stories about mega corporations not only paying zero taxes but getting billions in credit not piss people off so much that they'll never send another dime to that fetid corruption in Washington?
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