Post Office Uses Wrong Statue of Liberty for Stamp
"In an admirable effort to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Staute of Liberty, the U.S. Post Office has issued a commemorative first-class stamp! Of the wrong Statue of Liberty.
See, the Statue of Liberty depicted on the stamp is the replica Liberty located at the New York New York Casino in Las Vegas, not the Statue of Liberty located in the New York Harbor. As you can see from the above photograph, the replica statue features a "rectangular patch" on the center spike—not to mention different hair and "more sharply defined" eyes.
The differences were noted by a philatelist, who tipped the story to Linn's Stamp News. USPS spokesman Roy Betts told The New York Times "We still love the stamp design and would have selected this photograph anyway." (Sure, guys.) Former Mayor Ed Koch was less diplomatic: "It simply means the post office is doing a stupid thing."
Secretly Canadian: When our cities pretend to be American locations
"It seems like Toronto plays New York City about once a week these days - most recently in "Kick-Ass," where Aaron Johnson, Nicolas Cage and Chloe Grace Moritz stomped through a series of barely-redressed T-dot locations. Every action star worth his salt has passed through Hogtown's streets, from Jean-Claude Van Damme ("Maximum Risk") to Steven Seagal in ("Exit Wounds"). Even Charles Bronson stalked his way through the city in "Death Wish V: The Face of Death," though everyone pretends that never happened. And if you saw "Repo Men" as it blipped through theatres, you might have noticed some really obvious streetcars gliding through Jude Law's not-so-futuristic metropolis. But one of the oddest uses of the city on film has got to be Rob Marshall's "Chicago," which shot all of its interiors and quite a few of its exteriors here. Toronto audiences saw right through it, but the Academy fell for it ... and really, isn't that all that matters?"
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